J Korean Diabetes > Volume 11(4); 2010 > Article
The Journal of Korean Diabetes 2010;11(4):281-286.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/kcd.2010.11.4.281   
당뇨병환자의 뇌질환 예방법
박경선, 조용욱
Primary Prevention of Cerebropathy in Diabetic Patients
Kyung Sun Park, Yong Wook Cho
Cerebropathy including stroke or cognitive dysfunction is one of the most serious complications in diabetic patients. It is important to prevent cerebropathy because, once having occurred, it is difficult to manage and produces enormous socioeconomic burden. First, therapeutic life style changes such as smoking cessation, reduction of alcohol intake and weight reduction are mandatory. Additionally, pharmaceutical challenges should be attempted in order to achieve strict blood glucose/blood pressure control and to lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels. The administration of antiplatelet agents including aspirin in low-risk diabetic patients for primary prevention of stoke is controversial. However, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that male diabetic patients older than 50 and female diabetics older than 60 with at least one major risk factor of stroke should take low-dose aspirin. Because the primary prevention of cerebropathy significantly improves the quality of life in diabetic patients, it is necessary for all diabetic patients and clinical practitioners to recognize and execute the proper behaviors. (Korean Clinical Diabetes J 11:281-286, 2010)
Key Words: Cerebropathy, Cognitive Dysfunction, Diabetes Mellitus, Primary Prevention, Stroke

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