멘토, 사회적 지지 그리고 당뇨병 |
박유정 |
The Mentors, The Social Support and Patients with Diabetes Mellitus. |
Yu Jeong Park |
Department of Social Work, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital, Goyang, Korea. sandrapark14@gmail.com |
Abstract |
In countries with advanced health practices, it is important to note the importance of social capital and social support as social determinants in patient health as early as possible, while minimizing the constraints on self-management and reducing health inequalities. Beyond the individual, we offer mentoring and a social support system for individuals using community resources. We examined the growth of mentors and mentees through mentoring effectiveness and mentoring, and discussed the issues to be considered when applying such in the field. Ultimately, educators who are accustomed to 1:1 education or communicative group education should have the opportunity for recognition reconstruction. |
Key Words:
Diabetes mellitus, Mentoring, Mentors, Social support |