J Korean Diabetes > Volume 11(3); 2010 > Article
The Journal of Korean Diabetes 2010;11(3):205-208.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/kcd.2010.11.3.205   
당뇨병 교육자를 위한 인슐린 주사교육 지침
The Insulin Injection Recommendations for Diabetes Educator by Korean Association of Diabetes Nurse Educators
Min Jeong Gu
Proper injection techniques are crucial for appropriate diabetes management. Such injections should ensure achievement of the desired action profile of the insulin and avoid any potential adverse effects of the injection. Training practitioners of proper administration is one of the tasks of diabetes educators. The Korean Association of Diabetes Nurse Educators (KADNE) published `The Insulin Injection Recommendations for Diabetes Educators`. These guidelines aim to provide all diabetes educators with scientifically supported recommendations about the administration of insulin for patients with diabetes mellitus. Although these recommendations apply to the vast majority of patients, there will inevitably be individual exceptions that will require some adjustment. (Korean Clinical Diabetes J 11:205-208, 2010)
Key Words: Insulin injection, diabetes educator

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