J Korean Diabetes > Volume 12(1); 2011 > Article
The Journal of Korean Diabetes 2011;12(1):6-12.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/kcd.2011.12.1.6    Published online March 1, 2011.
한국인 제2형 당뇨병환자에서 유산소/저항운동이 체지방 및 근육량, 혈관내피세포기능에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Aerobic/Resistance Exercise on Body Fat Mass, Muscle Strength and Endothelial Function in Korean Type 2 Diabetes mellitus Patients.
Kyung Wan Min
Department of Internal Medicine, Eulji University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. mkw1111@eulji.ac.kr
Regular exercise has been shown to reduce cardiovascular risk factors. Korean type 2 diabetic patients showed a reduced aerobic exercising capacity (VO2max 5.2 +/- 1.3 MET, VT 3.5 +/- 0.9 MET) when compared to normal subjects matched to anthropometric conditions. A typical activity of moderate intensity is "brisk" walking at 5.6 km/h on a flat surface requiring 3.8 MET. Thus, the duration of aerobic exercise training is more important than intensity in Korean type 2 diabetic patients. During 12 weeks of exercise intervention, aerobic exercise improved cardiopulmonary function and endothelial function in Korean type 2 diabetic patients. However, muscle strength was not changed significantly by aerobic exercise. The maximal muscle strength of Korean type 2 diabetes mellitus patients was decreased compared to normal subjects with similar body weight. The maximal muscle strength was decreased with age, especially more in the lower extremities than the upper extremities. Generally, increased muscle mass was correlated with body mass index, however, muscle mass in obese type 2 diabetic women was not increased proportion with weight gain. Therefore, combined exercise is recommended to obese Korean type 2 diabetic women. Low intensity resistance training using resistance bands was effective in increasing muscle mass and muscle strength and reducing abdominal fat mass in diabetic women. However, endothelial function was not changed significantly by resistance exercise.
Key Words: Aerobic exercise, Resistance, Type 2 diabetes mellitus

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